Archer Wiki
Archer Wiki

Bucky is one of the pirates of Pangu Island. He was heavily picked on by Archer and after some persuasion by Rip Riley challenged Archer's position as king. He was going to have his girlfriend fight Archer, but Archer shot the her in the knee.

Bucky eventually led a mutiny and took control of the island from Archer, imprisoning Archer, Noah and Rip Riley in the jail. Unfortunately, Lana and Ray were immediately captured by Bucky's men once they landed on shore. During the ransom proceedings, Bucky was captured by Archer and Noah. In the process he managed to shoot Ray in the stomach and Lana in the leg. Archer did overpower him and managed to bring him in with the rest of the group. It is revealed at the end of the episode that he is captured and subdued by ISIS.


  • His blood type is A-negative, just like Lana and Rip.

Gallery of Images[]

There are 1 images of Heart of Archness (Trilogy)/Bucky on this Wiki, visit the Heart of Archness (Trilogy)/Bucky gallery to view all the images and screenshots.

